Pilates With Props
Zoom Classes are slightly different to other Public Classes. Each week over a cycle of 4 we work with a different prop. You'll use Pilates bands for support and resistance. The mini ball to challenge balance and stability along with alignment. Lastly the foam roller to help increase the range of motion through the shoulders, core stability and aid in mobilising the spine. Each session is an Express one (30 mins). The last session in the block is a pure classic mat one. Clients have access via password to the 'At Home' page on the website to follow the video warm up and cool down sections that will need to be done to bookend the online session.
Daily Routines

Revised ‘At Home’ Page
Making a few tweaks to the ‘At Home’ page. The ‘mix and match’ exercise section will be replaced by a selection of pre chosen lessons for self practice. Always looking to refine things and hoping this will be more straight forward for clients to follow…