New Booking System

It’s been a crazy last week - getting to grips with the new Square Space Booking system but it’s now embedded and pretty much ready to go! All bookings from the old ‘GoDaddy’ system have now been transferred- apologies to regular clients that will have double reminders for the first couple of weeks until shut down of my old site!

The new way of booking is for clients to book 4 classes consecutively per block rather than wait for me to enter manually the 3 extra sessions following on from the initial date chosen in the system! Those in the ‘know’ this will make sense to (I hope!)

Clients will be required to complete the consent form at the time of booking.

The biggest change though, is that I am now in a position to offer ‘Subscription Service’ to those Pilates Addicts among you! This I’m hoping is going to be a game changer on both sides as it will take the pressure off of regular clients knowing that their place/mat is secure without rebooking every three weeks. It will also give me greater peace of mind knowing that I have constant regular bookings in the system.

All clients who expressed an interest in the new payment system have been sent ‘Credit Authorisation’ forms. If I can kindly ask that these are emailed to me by August 14th.

The following week I will allow Public access to the booking system and will not be in a position to hold spaces.

One other update before I sign off is that those clients who were previously signed up to my Blog, will need to re- subscribe via my new website if they wish to continue receiving updates- Many thanks and see you in September!


Slight Hiccup!


No Alarms for a month!