Subscription Fees

As of April 1st 2024 there will be a price rise for those that Subscribe to my classes. Due to hire fee increases at every venue and storage fees now in place for equipment - I am in a position unfortunately where I’ll need to pass this on to my clients.

The new weekly fee will be £11. As always this includes individual mats, equipment and access to online content. Subscribers also have the guaranteed spaces and flexibility to move classes.

PAY AS YOU GO places will remain at £12. Mats will need to be provided by clients.

Unless I hear otherwise by individuals I’ll automatically put this in place at the end of March. I thank you all for your support and understanding in advance and hope Pilates can remain in your weekly schedule…

Thinking ahead to the Summer

During the Public Class August break- I will be running 121 sessions in the Studio on Monday evenings and Tuesday day time. This Summer I am offering 3 small group Pilates sessions in the Steventon Studio. These will be on:

Tuesday 6:30 - 7:30pm

Wednesday 9:30-10:30am

Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm

This will be for a 3 week block (Tuesdays 6th,13th,20th August and (Wednesdays 7th,14th,21st August) The block fee will be £45. Spaces are limited to 3 per class. We will be using: small ball, foam roller, sliders, Pilates Barre alongside Classic Mat sequences.


Testing the Temperature…


Mypilatesflow App is now live for All!