Reformer Practical Training Weekend!

To say I am tired this morning is an understatement! A full on intensive Training weekend in preparation for Examination weekend just before Chrimbo.

Met some lovely Pilates Teachers /PT’s and gained lots of tips on top of the Reformer Course which I will be implementing this week in my Classic Mat Classes!

Sometimes working as a Sole Trader you get stuck in your own groove and so accessing Professional Development, working alongside others is a MUST!

Now have sign off to practice my Assessment Lesson with clients- beyond excited to finely be able to do this with confidence!

Thank you to all those wonderful members of Mypilatesflow who have volunteered for this- will be in touch very soon with a selection of dates to choose from…

Looking forward to a bit of a breather this week on the personal front and purely focusing on my Classic Mat teaching.

Happy Monday All!


Let the Festivities Begin!


Thanks for the Pitstop!