Our Chimp Brain…
This last week has been challenging on the travel front somewhat! The normal 20 minute drive to morning classes is usually a great time to tune my mind for the day. A calm space in my car to listen to my favourite meditation/affirmation podcasts. Not this week- have battled with frustration and lack of control over the traffic! Apologies to those clients that have had delayed starts to lessons. My small village has been backed up due to diversions and literally has doubled my commute! Hoping for a better journey next week- fingers and toes crossed!
On a brighter note!
I have been making head way with my App. Been figuring out how to emphasise key information during the filmed sessions without overloading or labouring a point. Have decided to overlay exercises with additional text/graphics with pop ups. It is somewhat time consuming but I feel, will be worth it in the end!
Something to ponder…
I want to share this amazing episode with you- based on the work of Prof. Steve Peters. How To Take Full Control Of Your Mind: The Chimp Paradox
It really is awesome and gave me fantastic motivation this week- overcoming the ‘chimp’ part of my brain. I listened to it as a podcast but this link is on YouTube. At this time of year and especially with January being a long month- things can be challenging.
He discusses How do we understand what drives us?
How do we manage our emotional reactions?
Forming habits
Fear of failure
Setting your state in the morning
I hope you find this as interesting and thought provoking as I did- definitely gave me the extra boost I needed. Procrastination can hold us all back from just ‘going for it!’ Put your ‘chimp brain in its place’- ha ha!