Happy New Year from Paris!
Love this magical place- full of vibrancy and no effort getting the steps in over the last few days!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break with family and friends too and feel refreshed for our New Term together!
Over the last couple of weeks I have been busy adjusting/tweaking lesson plans for group public classes. I’ve also been preparing for the two new Circuit Training sessions that will be held on Monday and Thursdays in my home Studio. Raring to go as of January 6th!
Trialling a new idea for Subscribers
For quite some time I have been thinking of how I can improve consistency for those that Subscribe each week/term to my weekly sessions when I’m unable to deliver an in person lesson.
This Term I would like to trial an alternative option. When I am away I will provide a full length recorded lesson for clients to do at home. For those that wish to opt out of this - they will of course have their Subscription paused instead. This will be put into action for my next holiday break. It is my hope that this way clients will not have to forsake their weekly Pilates lesson.
A Date for the Diary:
Still in the holiday mood and thinking ahead for our next Social Event. We all had a great night out in December at Wildwood (see the photo in my last blog post!). We normally have a get together around Easter but as that is a long way off - would like to put forward a slightly earlier date of Friday 21st March to go to the Mulberry in Didcot as have heard good reviews from lots of clients. Drop me a line if interested by clicking the link below:
Spaces this month:
Monday and Tuesday Studio 121 classes are fully booked.
Didcot Civic Hall - Tuesday evening (6:30-7:30pm) 2 places
Fleet Meadow - Wednesday evening (6:30-7:30pm) 1 place
All Saints Youth & Community Hall- Thursday evening (5-6pm) 3 places
Circuit Training is fully booked for January- now taking bookings for the February block (Monday evening and Thursday morning classes)
It will be no surprise to many of you as I mentioned this episode in pretty much every class in the last few weeks of last Term.
It really is a MUST albeit a lengthy watch/listen. You all know my fixation on our feet within our classes. As I always say- everything stems from the feet!
Jim Dooner, the Head Physiotherapist for The Foot Collective, a global community of health and movement practitioners is on a mission to make a much-needed shift in the culture around feet and footwear.
He discusses how the health of our feet impacts the entire body. He talks about how the shoes we wear could be daily contributing to more widespread pain—from your ankles to your back and beyond…
Many of the exercises he recommends we do in our Mypilatesflow classes- so we on the right track! I do hope you have time to either download as a podcast version or watch the link below- it really is so informative.
Hard sell over-lol!
Let’s talk about the Thoracic part of the Spine
The thoracic part of the spine is often one of the first areas to lose mobility as we age. The thoracic spine has a greater number of joints due to its connection with the ribcage. These joints, combined with the natural aging process, are prone to stiffness over time as cartilage wears down, and joint capsules become less elastic.
Within all of our classes this area of the back is addressed.
Importance of Thoracic Rotation
The thoracic spine plays a key role in rotational movements of the torso. This type of mobility is essential for functional activities like turning, twisting, and even walking. Without regular movement, this rotation is one of the first ranges of motion to decline, which can lead to a cascade of restrictions.
Many Pilates movements mimic functional and athletic activities requiring thoracic spine flexibility and control, such as twisting, bending, or reaching. These exercises build strength and mobility, enhancing performance and reducing the risk of injury.
Key Thoracic Spine Exercises in Pilates
Spine Stretch Forward: Encourages thoracic flexion and stretches the posterior chain.
Open Book Stretch: Enhances thoracic rotation.
Swan Dive: Promotes thoracic extension and strengthens the back muscles.
Mermaid Stretch: Focuses on lateral flexion and elongation.
Thread the Needle: Improves thoracic rotation and flexibility.
Roll-Up: Engages thoracic flexion and core integration.
Cat-Cow Variation: Mobilizes the entire spine with a focus on thoracic movement.
If you haven’t already downloaded my free APP then here is the link where you’ll find examples of these exercises to follow.
Not long now until the launch of my first ever Pilates Retreat! Super excited for this weekend (end of March). There are a few spaces left, which includes 3 Pilates workshops one being a two hour mini props session. Lots of social time too so not all work and no play!
The SPA element on day 3 is no longer available to new comers signing up due to treatment times now being booked out by those already signed on.
Sitting on the fence? Check out the link below of when I test ran the weekend with my bestie- it really is a beautiful venue in a great location in Plymouth.