Retrain your Brain
I’m a great believer in the thought- ‘You’re not stuck with who you are!’. Not just in the physical sense but mentally too. For a long time, I have had an interest in the ideas surrounding Neuroplasticity. The many known strategies out there I try on a daily/weekly basis, to implement in my own life. To date, the benefits and results have been truly awesome!
I’m all about ‘sharing is caring’ and thought for those of you that may be interested I’d include a link to one of my favourite podcasts, where Mo Gaurdat is talking to Dragon’s Den- Stephen Bartlett about this very topic:
How does all this link with Mypilatesflow? Well Joseph Pilates once said:
“You will feel better in ten sessions, look better in twenty sessions, and have a completely new body in thirty sessions.”
Joseph Pilates was living proof of the rapid transformative potential of his methods. Suffering from asthma, rickets and rheumatic fever as a child, Pilates transformed himself through a combination of weights, yoga, gymnastics and martial arts.
Through constant, sustained repetition it is possible over time to change your body for the better. At 51, I feel better than I did in my body at 30! Once the mindset is open to positive change, everything else will follow…
Start small- think big! Mypilatesflow Clients have access to the ‘At Home’ page where they can incorporate extra home practice in between classes. Happy Monday Pilates Community!